Monday, March 23, 2009

First Blog evaah!

So, I've decided to join the blogging community :) I want to post 1 photo every day or every week. It's sort of a New Years March. I've wanted to do this for a while. I was inspired by a photographer I have worked with, Roman Francisco ( His work is stunning and he is such a pleasure to work with. Those two things don't usually come in the same package. So props to you Roman! He updates his blog at least every other week with his work or just iPhone photos of his kids or random things in his life. It's very entertaining. The coolest thing is that once he does a wedding/engagement shoot, he puts some photos right up on his blog for people to view. This is something I hope to do with my photography. For now, I will use the blog for displaying a photo at least once a week. :D

Here's a photo of my grandma's dog- I'm not sure how I feel about it. He looks so cute and it's distracting me from the visual elements. He's in an awkward position and you can't see his whole face. I like the focus on his eye. His nose is out of focus/not sharp. Check it out. I also don't know how to make the color look like it does on my screen. It looks much warmer on photoshop then, once I upload it to webshots- even though they say they are not compressing it, the color looks duller. Someone explain?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the kind words. Now I have to update my blog with the latest stuff. Its been a while.

    See you soon!
